Mark records in chapter 4, verse 2 that: “He (Jesus), taught them (the crowd) many things by PARABLES, . . .” Does Jesus, Himself, explain WHY? Regarding the parable of “The Sower,” Jesus said to His disciples in Mark 4:13: “. . . Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable?” We will look only at some excerpts of this parable in Matthew, Mark, and Luke but then turn our focus to parables regarding a “Banquet” in Matthew and Luke. Does Jesus tell the same parable, but with slightly different viewpoints given by Matthew and Luke? Considering the question of the “title,” Have you cleared your Calendar? Do you already have the appropriate attire? Will you be taking any guests? Do they know the “dress code” or is it “come as you are?”
There are storms in life that threaten to sink us. Mark 4:35-39 details a storm that caused the disciples to panic, but shows us...
“Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil...
There’s a shaking coming. Are you ready? When under pressure, most people seem to make decisions based on how they feel. However, feelings can...