The Apostle Paul, arguably the greatest Messianic rabbi of the New Testament, eloquently wrote about his relationship with Jesus whom he acknowledges as the Messiah. He stressed the importance of knowing Him and the power of His resurrection, in describing the value of that relationship. The question is, how much do you value your relationship with God through His Son Jesus the Messiah? Are you willing to pay the price of following Him and being changed by Him? In order to truly celebrate in the power of His resurrection, we must also be willing to count the cost.
Jesus taught His disciples that they should expect powerful positive results when praying. “At that time you won’t need to ask me for anything....
A redemption testimony of God’s glory in taking someone from darkness to light. Tonya Schnitz shares her personal story and how God has moved...
Today on the traditional celebration of Jesus Triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, we are also celebrating Communion. This is the greatest and most powerful sacrament...