By raising Jesus from the dead, God reinstated the law of the Spirit of life that was initially operating in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man into sin. This reversed the curse of sin and death in all of its forms, for whosoever would believe in Him. This Resurrection Day we celebrate that Jesus paid our debt, set us free from sickness, and all bondage, and lives in us with life-giving Resurrection power. We can rejoice because we are indeed on the winning team!
Over these weeks before celebrating Resurrection Day, we are endeavoring to paint a clear picture of the the Real Jesus of the Gospels. Matthew...
Sometimes when things get tough along the road of life we allow circumstances to cause us to sit down, just like Blind Bartimaeus. Join...
Practical strategies for victorious living. Whether we like it or not, adversity is all around us. Troubles, problems, challenges abound everywhere—for every family, business,...