This week across the nation, churches will be observing traditions surrounding Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday, celebrating Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem. Luke records the reason for this push to get to Jerusalem was that “all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man will be accomplished.” (Luke 18:31) That included the crucifixion, the sacrificial surrender of His life for the sins of the human race. Though He purchased forgiveness for all who repent, many are still struggling to break the cycle of sin in their lives, still reaching for the victory described as walking ”habitually in newness of life [abandoning our old ways]” (Romans 6:4 AMP) Today let’s step into freedom!
Sometimes when things get tough along the road of life, we allow circumstances to cause us to sit down, just like Blind Bartimaeus. Join...
When God states through the prophet, Hosea, (chap. 4:6) that “My people are destroyed from lack of Knowledge . . . ,” this calls...
The single greatest barrier to peace many people have today is unforgiveness. Join us as we explore the importance of, hindrances to, and benefits...