Latest Episodes
Rejoice in Suffering
Are you facing a trial or a difficult season? Your outlook about your trial makes a difference! Gain encouragement from the Word of God...
Rise Up, He’s Calling You!
Sometimes when things get tough along the road of life we allow circumstances to cause us to sit down in a ditch, just like...
Fear No More
When we have a fear based life we are limited. If something is not in our comfort zone, it is in our fear zone....
The Importance of Your Heart
Life can deal a lot of damage to the heart of a person. Our hearts have the potential to bring forth good & evil,...
Revitalizing the Local Church
When people come together in harmony, and the unity of the Holy Spirit, great things can be accomplished for the work of God. People...
There is a Fountain-The Blood and the Name
An old hymn from the 1700s states: “There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,...