Be An Influencer–Part 2

February 02, 2020 00:52:23
Be An Influencer–Part 2
My Father's House Fort Wayne Podcast
Be An Influencer–Part 2

Feb 02 2020 | 00:52:23


Show Notes

Just months after Alejandro Arias was born again it was discovered that he had a cancerous tumor lodged between his heart and lungs. Convinced that God had a destiny for his life in spite of the circumstances, he began to pray each day, believing God for his healing. When Alejandro was re-examined three months later, the doctors found that the tumor had miraculously disappeared. Five years later, a missionary to Venezuela felt led to take Alejandro with him to Venezuela to preach at evangelistic crusades. Many salvations and healings resulted. He has since traveled extensively preaching the gospel to thousands of people around the world in more than 45 nations in five continents.

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