God is a covenant-keeping God! When he makes promises, he delivers. One of the greatest promises in the Bible regarding finances is found in the challenge he lays out in Malachi, chapter 3. During the siege of Samaria, in 2 Kings 7 prices had skyrocketed, and people were starving. Even dove doo-doo and donkey heads were priced out of reach. At the word of a prophet everything changed overnight. Windows-of-heaven blessing became a reality. In times of economic uncertainty, will your tithes and offerings keep the windows of heaven open and the blessing of God flowing?
Over the centuries, God’s faithful have prayed for “revival”. For the most part, it seems like they many times had no idea what that...
As churches, ministries, and charitable organizations scramble for donors, supporters, helpers, and volunteers, the thought arises, “Who will carry the water?” Since you came...
As believers in Jesus, we have the Spirit of God living in us. That means we can choose to be led by the Holy...