When I live expectantly, looking for the Kingdom of God it changes my character. The return of Jesus has always been a motivator toward holy living. In 1 John 3:3 the Holy Spirit inspires John to write, “And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.” (KJV) But I am challenged by another thought. Am I on the lookout for activities of the Kingdom of God that are occurring around me? Sometimes I can be so busy looking for what I perceive to be the big kingdom stuff that I miss Kingdom activities. God may be at work, but I miss it because I am not looking for Him in the affairs of my daily life. Today, I want to not only be looking for Him to come to set up the eternal Kingdom (come, Lord Jesus) but I also want to be expectantly looking for the Kingdom happening around me.
Over the centuries, God’s faithful have prayed for “revival”. For the most part, it seems like they many times had no idea what that...
Fasting is a powerful tool in the lives of believers. There are many biblical examples of people fasting and the variety of benefits that...
Now that we understand and have received the love God has for us and the result of that love, salvation, we have an assignment...