Latest Episodes
Tools for Winning a Lost Generation
He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the...
Who Will Carry the Water?
As churches, ministries, and charitable organizations scramble for donors, supporters, helpers, and volunteers, the thought arises, “Who will carry the water?” Since you came...
Encouraging & Blessing Others
Encouragement. Difficult times and situations call for leadership in the arena of encouragement. That requires people who are willing to step into that arena,...
Welcome to Conflict Resolution
Conflict. It seems to be everywhere …at home, at work, and even in church ministries. The goal for today’s message is not only to...
Submission to Authority
What is Authority, and how does it relate to me personally? Understanding Authority and the implications of being under authority can set us up...
Three Benefits of Water Baptism
We are people of the Kingdom—in touch with heaven but assigned to minister to earth. The Lord’s purpose in bringing people into the Kingdom...