Making Disciples in the Post-Covid Era (Part 2)

Episode 158 November 08, 2020 01:36:03
Making Disciples in the Post-Covid Era (Part 2)
My Father's House Fort Wayne Podcast
Making Disciples in the Post-Covid Era (Part 2)

Nov 08 2020 | 01:36:03


Show Notes

This is a continuation of the message of last week, based largely on Colossians chapter one. From the theme we have been focusing on for several weeks, “New Wine in New Wineskins,” we are endeavoring to see how we can more effectively win/save the lost and then disciple the saved as mandated by Jesus. From verse 19 to the end of the chapter, disciples raising up disciple-makers need to understand being “reconciled to Christ,” understand there is a cost, the “Mystery” of “Christ in You,” and some closing instructions. Also shared was an examination of the metaphor: “New Wine in New Wineskins” from Luke 5:37-39, by looking at some several Scriptures in the Bible.

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