Every true believer probably respects the Great Commission as Jesus’ last words on earth and final instructions. “Go make disciples…” The quest to do that is a more difficult equation and has resulted in a multitude of approaches by church leaders over the centuries. For a sustainable movement of continuous disciple-making, any church body must carry a disciple-making DNA. To succeed, the movement must be organic and produce natural multiplication. In this environment, people discipling people becomes the norm and disciple-making DNA is so strong that it seems to occur spontaneously. Two foundation stones for embracing that kind of DNA is your faith in Jesus Christ and His preeminence in your life.
Fasting is a powerful tool in the lives of believers. There are many biblical examples of people fasting and the variety of benefits that...
It’s true. Some Christians ignore the sin in their lives. Others live in conviction and still others are tormented by relentlessly but unsuccessfully trying...
Jesus is the Word. He invites us into transformation in our lives through His powerful Word. Sometimes we have lies in our hearts that...