Latest Episodes

Our Response to His Love
Now that we understand and have received the love God has for us and the result of that love, salvation, we have an assignment...

God's Love for Us
Ever since the fall of mankind into sin and servitude to Satan, we have lost the true meaning and importance of love. Through Jesus...

God’s Love for Us
Ever since the fall of mankind into sin and servitude to Satan, we have lost the true meaning and importance of love. Through Jesus...

They Came to Hear and Be Healed
Over the weekend, news headlines proclaim, “China virus crisis deepens as whistleblower doctor dies.” Widely promoted by the media as an impending pandemic, the...

They Came to Hear and Be Healed
Over the weekend, news headlines proclaim, “China virus crisis deepens as whistleblower doctor dies.” Widely promoted by the media as an impending pandemic, the...

Be An Influencer–Part 2
Just months after Alejandro Arias was born again it was discovered that he had a cancerous tumor lodged between his heart and lungs. Convinced...